The First Meeting Be Hold By FIFA Ad-hoc Electoral Committee

myfifa15coins Date: Jul/22/15 09:38:10 Views: 1733

The FIFA Ad-hoc Electoral Committee holds first meeting ahead of Extraordinary FIFA Congress at the Home of FIFA in Zurich on 21 July 2015, which is following its establishment by the FIFA Executive Committee on 20 July 2015.


In conformity with art. 7 par. 2 of the Electoral Regulations for the FIFA Presidency, Domenico Scala was appointed as the Ad-hoc Electoral Committee chairman, with Claudio Sulser – chairman of the FIFA Disciplinary Committee – and Larry Mussenden – chairman of the FIFA Appeal Committee – as its members.


The Ad-hoc Electoral Committee will be responsible for supervising the upcoming FIFA presidential electoral process leading up to the elections that are scheduled to take place at the Extraordinary FIFA Congress on 26 February 2016. This includes the correct application of and compliance with all FIFA regulatory provisions, instructing the investigatory chamber of the Ethics Committee to carry out an integrity check of all candidates in accordance with the FIFA Organisation Regulations, and admitting and declaring candidatures.


In accordance with the FIFA Statutes (art. 24 par. 1), members will have to notify the FIFA general secretariat, in writing, of a candidature for the FIFA presidency by 26 October 2015 along with declarations of support from at least five members. The FIFA general secretariat will forward all candidatures to the FIFA Ad-hoc Electoral Committee for examination and a decision on the admission of the candidates to the FIFA presidential elections.